Monday, June 22, 2009



i'm all caught up.
it was radradrad to watch black orpheus, belatedly, in such close proximity to le samourai! not to become habit (i plan on consistency in weekly viewing once again from this point forward), but a great, great color palette jump from one film to the next.
i loved the gray shades in samourai, gray gray and blue gray and then suddenly sudden blue blue, real blue, bright blue, deep blue, train blue. the film felt to me like a study in concentration, of what it is to be focused, to move distinctly. i thought i should live in that room with steel-gray walls and doors and curtains and bedspreads of shapes, mainly squares, that only focus one's attention further. i should buy a trench coat and a hat and speak little, if at all, and carry a wire full of keys that hold escape from the places that attempt to break my concentration.
i also just wanted to wear the keys as a necklace, they were beautiful.

never seen scarecrow. maybe you have. if not, i guess the time is now.

1 comment:

juliet small ernst said...

you make a great point about the differences in color; these two films are wildly different in that way. sometimes when we watch things, rhan and i like to imagine good double bills...

it was wonderful to see black orpheus, which for me redeemed any of its faults (whatever they are) by sheer force of being so beautiful to look at, so beautiful to listen to. i've since tracked down the soundtrack, which is marvelous on its own, too. the little girl dancing at the end!

i've grown to really like melville. the keys were something, i agree! i had first heard of him through an interview with jim jarmusch, and now i can see how much melville informed jarmusch's own sensibility. very stylish, quiet, and cool. i enjoyed le samourai. it is terribly seductive.

i have never seen scarecrow! it looks promising. :)