Monday, September 21, 2009


45a. LOLA, dir. JACQUES DEMY, 1961


there's what's right and there's what's best; our lies fall all along a spectrum of harmfulness and utility. i feel like i say this a lot, but just being an ordinary, upright human being is difficult work. daily life bombards us with questions and choices for which we receive no concrete guidance and for which there are no clear answers.
LIFE! sometimes i don't know how we do it.

all this is to say i loved THE FALLEN IDOL. it blindsided me, actually, with how much i enjoyed it. sasha picked a perfect film to satisfy her fascination with morality; what's more, this film, plot-wise, is utterly gripping. i was so tense. i really loved it.

i was daunted picking this week's film. i wanted to follow a train of thought from THE FALLEN IDOL, but, finding that too difficult, decided to move in a different direction altogether. i'm trying something new this week, a DOUBLE FEATURE by jacques demy, whose work i don't know well enough. i have a soft spot for LES PARAPLUIES DE CHERBOURG; these two films preceded LES PARAPLUIES. two films might be a tall order, but let's give it a go.

1 comment:

SASHA said...

i love this pick! i haven't seen either of them, great idea w. the double feature! excited.