Monday, February 22, 2010


CATCH UP*****update @ bottom of page.

everytime i get on track it seems i get off again fast! sometimes for reasons beyond my control:
i never got to finish the friends of eddie coyle because more than 3/4 through the dvd froze + wouldn't start again. it was an impromptu + excited library rental, and one that i was extremely into watching until the dvd gained a mind of its own.
so i am unfinished with that one, waiting for a hopefully scratch-free disk to come in the mail
i still have to watch juliet's pick from last week, which looks great, but i had a hectic week and didn't make it that far down the to-do list...
sometimes things move too fast to grab hold of everything in the time frame you set to keep. but now my weekend is upon me (monday/tuesday) so i'm looking forward to finding out the end of eddie coyle + watching your pick, juliet:) x
*UPDATE: i watched born to win this morning and thought it was pretty unbelievable (read:amazing). i found it the absolute perfect thing to watch on the tail of herzog's bad lieutenant: port of call - new orleans (2009), which we saw in the theatre last night. so i guess i'm glad i didn't have time to see it during the week afterall! i had many vague ruminating reservations watching bad lieutenant but couldn't really put it to name until i saw born to win. i think so much of my ability to connect to a movie is stitched into the subtleties of tone of the film, and here is where bad lieutenant:port of call + born to win split paths. ostensibly covering some similar issues, born to win for me hit the mark as it traveled the lines of humor + grit + the realities of illness/addiction, i laughed and also felt pretty devastated by what was in front of me, where bad lieutenant contained some/too many over the top and messy moments that just left me feeling pretty empty for the most part. it was compounded i think by perpetual laughter in the audience, which is always hard to digest when it seems more out of a nervous-i-don't-know-what-to-feel place. usually i like the i-don't-know-what-to-feel vibe in a film and sometimes the constant seeming-out-of-place audience laughter aids in my process of clarification of how i feel about the film myself, but not really this time. i think i wanted bad lieutenant to be born to win before i knew what born to win was all about. it feels good to laugh when it is clear you aren't laughing because there is something you are not willing to digest. born to win felt to me a difficult movie in terms of the emotions it coaxed from you as the viewer (be here and laugh with us now, be here and feel the weight of what this really means a moment later). if i am asked to be emotionally present before a film i want it to be worth my time + with born to win i got back what i paid out emotionally in droves.


tapecase | r s e said...

i know what you are saying and i think that you said it very well.

i enjoyed "bad lieu.." quite alot but i really appreciate your comments about the vague reservation.

it was that and herzog's next film "my son my son" where i started realizing that our relationship to the film and indeed the filmmaker, the actors, the composer, etc creates allowances within the experience.

the audience is in on the joke.

that can be fun, like popcorn.

and yet, sometimes, i crave nutrition and popcorn will not do.

It is similar to when friends get together to make fun of a ridiculous sci-fi movie - for some reason, that always leaves me little flat.

i am so excited to see "born to win" now even more so after reading your thoughts on it!

SASHA said...

yeah, that is totally how i felt. it seemed the audience was in on the joke and making allowances and if you stood back a little it all kind of looked like not much. i didn't feel it gave very much to you as the viewer but you are always being asked to give, if nothing else, just your time. basically i think i go to the theater ready to pay out (time, emotions, etc.) and it's a disappointment when i come with more to give a film than it has to give back to me. maybe that's greedy though. but i don't think i feel that way with people, just movies...:) and i am so so appreciative when the films deliver!! <><><>

SASHA said...

wait, uh-oh. you mean popcorn lacks nutrition? i am in serious trouble, it is my favorite snack! it's the one thing jarek cooks (and it's enough, he has mastered the art of popcorn!) + i ask him to make it for me probably 3 or 4 times a week!! i put nutritional yeast on it though, not movie theatre fake butter!!! hopefully this helps my case...