very lucky to have a video store where you can see the spine of this! when i went to hollywood video hoping to get burden of dreams, which did seem not too outlandish a hope, it wasn't even listed as a possibility in their computer. the girl behind the counter seemed really annoyed, and acted like maybe i was making up the title because she had never heard of it (so probably it couldn't really exist). i miss the days of small video stores. we used to have one, though it wasn't great, but now even that has been replaced by chains that have some random good things here and there, but it in no way feels a special renting-browsing experience.
i always see the spine of this dvd in the store and i wonder.
i have no preconceptions about this one, no idea what it's about, no knowledge about its director or actors...
great choice.
very lucky to have a video store where you can see the spine of this! when i went to hollywood video hoping to get burden of dreams, which did seem not too outlandish a hope, it wasn't even listed as a possibility in their computer. the girl behind the counter seemed really annoyed, and acted like maybe i was making up the title because she had never heard of it (so probably it couldn't really exist). i miss the days of small video stores. we used to have one, though it wasn't great, but now even that has been replaced by chains that have some random good things here and there, but it in no way feels a special renting-browsing experience.
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